Dear patients, colleagues, and friends,
Winter brings a quiet sense of peace and reflection, often overlooked in its stillness. With nature resting and snow blanketing the earth, the usual sounds fade away, creating a calm atmosphere. This stillness offers a chance for clarity and introspection, making winter a season of quiet renewal.
The Courage to Connect newsletter will provide our patients, colleagues and friends with insight on the importance of mental health, wellness and information on the topics that are important to you. If you are interested in setting up an appointment for therapy, testing, nutrition or medication management, please call our office at (847) 730-3042 or email
Dr. Michael Clatch, Psy. D.

Specialty Spotlight:
A Corrective Experience
Patrick Mooney, NCC
We cannot control how or when we feel, no matter how hard we try. The harder we try to suppress our emotions the more feelings seem to surface. The good news is that we can learn how to better identify our feelings as they arise to help us manage our reactions and behavior choices.
While this process takes time and effort, it can be very fulfilling for patients to learn about themselves in ways they might not have previously recognized. This is called Depth Psychotherapy, a feature of the Psychodynamic approach I practice.

An active ingredient of my approach is the relationship we build together. This relationship is a vehicle in which the patient becomes accepting of their emotions. In our sessions, individuals may explore their past, uncover possible painful experiences, incorporate positive experiences, challenge cognitive patterns and narratives, offer different perspectives, and work towards increasing their understanding of self. This is accomplished within a non-judgmental and trusting space which respects the importance of all the intersections of a patient’s identity. The powerful connection we create becomes a “corrective experience,” illustrating what is possible for patients and allows us to dig deep to understand their whole selves. It is a brave act for individuals to step into this level of self-work and I am honored they allow me to guide them in their journey.
In the Press:
Healthy Holidays and Improved Wellness in the New Year
Kimberly Novotny, MS, RDN, LDN
As the holiday season commences, full of social events and festive traditions, it is common for it to be followed by declarations of New Year’s resolutions involving weight loss goals and diet revamps. It can be nearly impossible to avoid getting caught up in the newest fad diet craze for the first few weeks of the New Year and then feel like a failure a few weeks later when such a diet is not sustainable, and we revert to old habits. If we approach this season differently and focus on wellness and balance, could things look different next year?
For those looking for tips on how to feel your best while still enjoying all that this season encompasses, here are a few things to think about instead of promising yourself a diet in the new year.
1. Get Your ZZZs!
Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep nightly.
2. Sip Smarter.
Limit sugary drinks and set a limit on the amount
of alcohol you consume.
3. Holiday Hydration.
Remember to aim for at least 64 ounces of
water daily.
4. Ruin Your Appetite.
Eat something light but filling before going
out, and focus on the people, spirit, celebration of the season rather than just food.
4. Eat Mindfully.
Always plate your food and sit down.
5. Balance Is The Key.
Treat yourself but pick only your favorites!

6. Add Color.
Add seasonal fruits and vegetables to your meals and snacks. Use spices to flavor your dishes instead of excessive salt and sugar.
7. Fit in Fitness.
Set a step goal or stay committed to squeezing in
some kind of physical activity like walking to your events.
8. Shake it Off.
Stop aiming for perfection. Sometimes the best
option is to enjoy yourself in the moment and then move on by getting back into your routine the next day.
9. Give Yourself The Gift of Peace.
Don’t feel pressured to say yes
to everything! Make space for down time to recharge.
Curious about nutrition sessions and how a dietitian can support you?
Sessions can look different depending on the individual and your goals. I provide individualized nutrition counseling that considers your life- style, tastes, and specific health needs.
We will begin by reflecting on the aspects of your lifestyle that work well and what might need to be changed and building a healthier diet based off your individualized tastes. Together we can meal plan, try new foods/routines, and reflect on how our relationship with food might be affecting our eating habits. I want to help you connect with your body so you can confidently understand your needs and make food choices that make you feel your best.